While doing ICSI, we usually transfer two or three embryos at a time. Due to this, many good quality embryos are often leftover in the majority of the patients. We have facility and expertise for very efficient fast freezing program (Vitrification) to preserve the embryos for the same couples to be used in future. Oocyte Cryopreservation, the scientific name for egg freezing, is the preservation of mature eggs following hormone stimulation to achieve pregnancy at a later time. It is currently offered to women who are interested in preserving their fertility or delaying pregnancy electively, or for those women with a diagnosis of cancer at risk of losing their egg reserve and the potential to have a child due to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Egg reserve decreases significantly with the increasing reproductive age, therefore, egg freezing is a smart option for women who want to possibly have children later in life. Sperm freezing is offered to men for many different reasons. Some may be undergoing testicular surgery, chemo or radiation therapy, and would like to preserve their future fertility.